Slavic Christians, wake from your slumber
Dear Slavic Christians, rid your body, mind, spirit, and home of demonic oppression. Cover your doorposts with the blood of the lamb. There is a war for your soul. There is a war for The soul of your spouse and children. Wake up from your slumber and live in holiness!
My Slavic Christian community has become lukewarm in their faith and walk with Christ.
Marriages are falling apart at a similar rate as the secular world.
Young people are dropping out of churches like never before.
People doubt Scripture or do not read it at all.
We worship our image and money.
Moms hate their gender roles.
Men have wandering eyes.
And we wonder why demons of addiction, suicide, sexual immorality, sexual perversion, fear, depression, greed, and insecurity rule our community.
My people are silent regarding standing up for and speaking the truth.
Men are weak and complacent in their leadership.
My people are sitting on welfare instead of working.
They drive vehicles that cost six figures but report a low income yearly salary.
Mothers are focused on how to get their bodies back after babies with Botox instead of how to raise their children to be Kingdom expanders and warriors.
Pastors are molesting children and are laundering money through their churches and they wonder why people don’t want to tithe.
Preachers are telling their congregation to vote for a Satanist who stands for abortion, socialism, and the destruction of the family unit in the name of “advocating for Ukrainian rights.”
Parents are not involved in their children’s lives and blame their children’s waywardness on the government, schools, and the streets when they’ve given up their responsibility to lead their children to Christ to schools, government, and the streets.
We have been given a tiny and merciful window to repent through the current, miraculous presidency.
Every family must wake up, repent for their sins, and seek the Lord like never before, otherwise, many will be deceived like Scripture tells us regarding the last days (that we are currently living in).
Look around; many are saying, “They can’t believe how bad things have gotten,” not realizing that we are to blame for the corruption in our nation because we didn’t speak up when we saw the sin taking place. We’ve been turning a blind eye To everything around us, including politics, while focusing on maintaining our legalistic rules and destructive cultural beliefs. Never before has the church, which claims to be the “Bride of Christ,” been so deceived by satan. We are so focused on doing what's right that we stopped having the heart of the father. Our heart no longer breaks for what breaks his because we are the ones who are breaking his heart with our complacent, sinful, lukewarm actions.
Satan wants to keep us blind, but God is saying, “Wake up before I come back and find you sleeping, like the five virgins that knew about my arrival and did nothing to prepare themselves and will leave you behind.”