Slavic Christians and Emotional Bondage

Dear Slavic Christian man or woman,

Your heart is hurting.

It’s hurting because your mental health is in pain because problems have existed in your family before you were even born that were not dealt with. Now you’re left bearing the heaviness of the silence, shame, and judgement you felt.

It’s not hurting because your “making things up; trying to get attention, or are bashing on your family or smearing the face of the church,” as people might be accusing you of when you speak of your trauma.

Oftentimes, what’s taking place beneath the surface is more powerful than we may understand. Families may not realize, let alone talk about demonic strongholds such as witchcraft, verbal or spiritual curses parents have spoken or have taken part in before their children came into this world. This also includes cycles of abuse, incest, suicide, etc., that have been passed down.  Exposing these problems is thought to bring shame, therefore, many individuals remain in silent bondage to them.

The truth is, the opposite is the case. Souls can and will heal ONLY when we acknowledge that we are in pain, open our wounded minds and hearts before Christ, and allow them to be purified through the Blood of Jesus.

Only when parents repent before each other and their children about what has been inflicted, consciously or unconsciously, will the mental health crisis in the Slavic Christian community heal.

Sadly, many will never acknowledge a problem this deep because it is terrifying to be this vulnerable in my community. Therefore, it is up to us, individuals who are gaining awareness about this tragedy and its impact, to take responsibility and seek our own healing in Christ. 

How can you seek healing practically? Through therapy, which is defined as “healing of the soul.”

There is nothing shameful about seeking restoration this way. The Bible tells us in 1 John 1:9, “When we confess our sins, He who is faithful will forgive us. I’ll also add, “Confessing our sins will set us free.” 

We serve a God bigger than generational curses or any kind of trauma you may have experienced or are currently experiencing. We serve a God that sets captives free. You don’t have to carry the sins of your fathers and mothers (or grandparents) anymore. 

My freedom started when I recognized that I was in a pit of pain, came to the end of trying to save myself, and completely surrendered my traumatic experiences and strongholds I was in bondage to to Christ. When I did this, I trusted that He is faithful and has set me free by His gift on the Cross. 

He is capable of setting your body, mind, and spirit free as well. You just have to open your heart to receive it today. If receiving freedom, restoration, deliverance, and transformation is what you desire, please reach out to me. I have been where you are, and God delivered me from chains of emotional, physical, and spiritual bondage that were rooted in generations of unspoken trauma. 

I’m here to serve you.