Slavic Christian Therapist-About Me
It’s been a while since I’ve introduced myself, and if you’re new here, welcome
My name is Ilona Mikhalchuk.
I’m a child of The King, a wife, a mom, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist serving my Slavic Christian community in WA, ID, SC, FL, and MO through video sessions.
I started my career after receiving a dream from the Lord, where He revealed a great need for soul healing in my community.
He called the business “Cornerstone Therapy” as a metaphor for helping souls discover that their foundation can lie only in Christ. Their identity, purpose, and authority will thrive when that is the case because He is at the center of them all.
I graduated with my Master’s Degree in 2019 from a faith-based university and opened my online practice during COVID in 2020.
Since then, I’ve served thousands of Slavics and discovered the deep sins and pain God was referring to.
Individuals sought healing for sexual trauma that took place by their “Christian” fathers or pastors.
Wives were beaten and cheated on by their “Christian” spouses.
Clients spoke of being cursed by their parents, which led to demonic oppression through spirits of rejection, addiction, insecurity, abandonment, fear, pride, control, idolatry, despair, jealousy, false teaching, sexual perversion, suicide, etc. These issues manifested as depression, low self-worth, anxiety, and self-harming behaviors, even as severe as schizophrenia and bipolar.
God opened my eyes to see how the community I once idolized and saw as superior to others was crumbling because He was no longer at its center.
As this was unfolding professionally, God led my husband and I out of the Slavic church and into an American one.
It was during that time that I started my healing journey in therapy and where I became rooted in my identity in Christ as His Child. God began breaking down my strongholds from childhood that oppressed me, and it set the “snowball effect” of helping others discover His love too.
Sadly, as He keeps directing me on this journey, I realize the stigma and resistance still occurring.
Individuals have told me, “I’ll take my pain to the grave instead of telling someone about it for fear of what will happen to me (or the abuser) if anyone finds out. My family will reject me if I tell anyone about what’s happening behind closed doors. I’m afraid of being the black sheep.”
My work with clients is confidential, but the fear of shining light onto the pain in one’s heart and mind still keeps thousands enslaved.
Dear reader, if you or someone you love is hurting, please contact me to start your healing. How long will you keep torturing yourself by staying trapped in the past of your experiences? How long will you please others and remain in bondage of their approval instead of walking in freedom and victory as HIS CHILD?
Whenever you’re ready to have a different life than you have now, please give me a call. I’m here to serve you