Slavic Christian religious revolution
Dear Slavic Christians, what would happen if you used your freedom of speech and religion through your identity in Christ to stand up against the corrupt government in Slavic churches the way Americans just stood up to the tyrannical government? …or would you prefer to stay stuck in the victim mentality of the former Communist USSR and be oppressed by the legalistic leaders called “preachers” at your pulpit?
I want you to think about this.
The church politics have become that-“politics.”
Because some individuals believe that they were given power to control people, not to lead them as shepherds to Christ.
Pastors condemn sinners to hell instead of mending their wounds like a hospital is supposed to.
Church leaders engage in money laundering.
They cover up sin for people with deep pockets.
“Brothers” forbid freedom of speech by telling members to never speak against authority (who don’t honor God in the first place).
Legalism sounds like sermons about women wearing skirts and head coverings in and out of church, or they won’t go to heaven-while preachers have their own secret sexual addictions behind closed doors.
They tell women that their salvation is based on the amount of children they bear instead of in the blood of their Savior.
Tyranny in the church looks like sexual and physical abuse survivors being blamed for their experiences instead of encouraging women to report their abusers to authorities.
Abusers get to speak from the pulpits, while victims are encouraged to leave their ministries.
Communism in the church sounds like pastors teaching people to depend on government handouts instead of encouraging men to work hard and provide for their families.
A tyrannical church government looks like “a group of brothers” that vote in their leaders if he’s a “yes man” and kick him out, threaten to sue, and change the locks on the church doors if he doesn’t do what they want.
These scenarios are examples of what has taken place in several Slavic “churches” in my community.
And what’s being done?
Because, just like the American people, the Slavic community has been degraded for so long by their spiritual “government,” the rights of “citizens” have been taken away.
My people are slaves to their church leaders and will do anything to get their approval-for fear of excommunication if they don’t.
They stay quiet, don’t question the choices of authority figures, and pay their tithes without questioning where their money is going.
Secret meetings take place in churches because gossip is what we know.
If we don’t like something, we don’t say it directly to the leadership because when people did that in the USSR, they’d “disappear.”
We fear punishment, no matter our age, and live in survival mode and hypervigilance.
30+ years after the fall of the USSR, my people are still oppressed in their minds while living in the “land of the free.”
This is a heartbreaking reality that must stop. Demonic strongholds have oppressed us long enough and talking about them and seeking help to live and think differently is the only way anything will change.