Slavic Christian Parenting
I finally understood people's meaning when they said, “You won’t understand true love and sacrifice toward another human until you have a child. You won’t understand how much your Heavenly Father loves you until you become a parent. You won’t understand how to be patient, forgiving, and generous, how to watch what you say, think, or do as when you have a child. You won’t be able to live carefree and carelessly when you have to care for someone besides yourself. And also, you won't know a greater joy either because the entire process will be worth it.”
I tried to fight this reality by not wanting kids for years. Thankfully, the Lord knew what I needed to transform my character into His likeness and changed my mind.
You see, dear single people and married individuals without children who may be living for yourselves, children will bring out parts of you you never knew you possessed: the love (and fear), the kindness (and frustration), the selflessness (and selfishness), etc.
You’re not challenged to your limit until you’re in labor, trying to keep a human alive by feeding it with your own body, not sleeping through the night to make sure it does, etc.
Yes, your body changes.
Your marriage changes.
Your friendships change.
Your “ministry” changes.
Your priorities change.
The way you spend your time changes.
Your bank account changes.
Even your brain changes.
But nothing can compare to how close you draw to the Lord by daily submitting to His leadership to guide you in raising the gift He stewarded you with.
Nothing grows you until you depend on His strength alone to get you out of bed when you feel like an exhausted vegetable.
You don’t know the depth of grace until you rely on His truth when Satan sends you negative thoughts that are often medically described as “hormone imbalance.”
The greatest joy, second to getting married and third to making Christ my Master, is in having a child.
Money doesn’t come close.
A career doesn’t come close.
“Self-care” doesn’t come close. Your self-care revolves around serving your child and ensuring all their needs are met before yours.
Having fancy cars and clothes and going on frequent vacations doesn’t either-and that’s okay.
Knowing that I get to raise a son to carry on the torch of faith and bring others to Jesus because of my love for Christ is the greatest fulfillment I can experience. I wouldn’t trade the love for my son for anything in this world.
Dear young people who are chasing empty sexual relationships, a career, money, fun, etc-please consider the legacy you’ll leave after God takes your breath.
Who will you leave behind, and will others come to know the Lord based on your life and choices?
Will your youth be worth considering as having invested the greatest time of your life raising the next generation or chasing cheap thrills that always left you hungry for deeper satisfaction?
Today is a great day to assess your life up to this point and determine whether you want to keep living this way…