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  • Self-Worth for Slavic Christian Women

    Dear Slavic Christian women, 

    How do you speak to yourself? 

    Do you say things like, “I’m a complete failure?” “I’m not good enough.” “I’m not worthy of love.” “I’m too far gone.” “People don’t like me.” “I don’t belong.” “I can’t live up to the crazy standards that God has set.” 

    If you have ever thought this way, if you have ever felt like a complete failure, that you’re too far gone, that you’re worthless, or that nobody loves you, there is a special place for you.

    That special place is a Facebook group I created for Slavic, Christian women just like you.

    I started it for women that feel exactly this way, and because too many women that I work with have these kinds of self-defeating thoughts.

    They tell me their pain and then say, “What do I do now?” 

    What you need most is someone to guide you back towards developing your self-worth in Christ, first and foremost. 

    I’d love to personally support you and want to empower you with this gift of belonging to a community where you can be seen, heard, and supported.

    You’re going to be equipped with the skills to be able to challenge these negative, limiting thoughts. 

    You’ll be able to move from those thoughts to have the mind of Christ that says, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” “I am worthy of love.” “I am good enough.” “I don’t have to earn my salvation.” “I received my salvation as soon as I accepted the gift of eternal life by believing in Christ.” 

    Belonging to this group will have a powerful impact on the rest of your life. For example, when your self-worth in Christ is restored, you’ll be able to love your spouse the way Jesus loved you, you’ll model self-respect to your children who are watching you. You will be more fulfilled in everything you do because you’ll learn that your worth doesn’t come from the outside, it comes from WHO YOU ALREADY ARE which is His Daughter. 

    Dear woman, come to this Facebook group if you are hungry to discover your value and purpose in Him. I am including a link below. Go ahead and click on that link. I want you to fill out a survey letting me know what you hope to receive from this group and what is hurting your heart.

    I’m also putting a FREE training together for this group to equip you and hundreds of other Slavic Christian women with the skills to nurture your self-worth in Christ. It will cover 3 essential pillars that every woman needs to know to go from having little self-worth to being confident in Jesus. 

    This training will ultimately lead to a course that you will be able to also take part in. If you want to experience the entire journey, join us! 

    Come, open your heart, bless others, and let them bless you in return. I’m excited to see you there!

    Facebook Group Link:

    Survey link: