Place your Identity in Jesus

There will be plenty of people that will say you're not capable of anything good. There will be people that tell you be quiet. Don't listen, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of you that says, "Rise up, my child, rise up and go and sin no more."

Identify yourself by your new value and worth in Christ. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. When you repent, He wipes all your sins away. He doesn't remember them so stop remembering them as well and walk forward.

And even if the devil brings your sins before you and reminds you just how worthless you are and that God is not capable of using you, just remind him how much God has brought you through. 

If you don't rise up and lead a revolution of teaching people to look to Jesus for their worth, who will?

 Imagine if Esther didn't, who would have? Mordecai told her, "If you don't speak up, help is gonna come to us from a different place and you and your father's house will perish."

Dear reader, you can't afford that anymore. You can't afford to continue to perish in your pain. What if God brought you through all of that for you to be able to change your community through all of the molestations, the rape, the physical abuse, infidelity, and the neglect you experienced? For you to rise up and say "Guys, my God redeemed me, I'm no longer a victim. I'm a survivor. I am covered by the blood of the lamb! I've got a new purpose and that purpose is to declare God's love to everybody around me" is where your identity and victory lies!

This entire process starts with believing that you received hope and healing in Jesus' name. Let no weapon formed against you prosper. Put on the armor of God. That includes the Helmet of salvation which means that no matter the negative thoughts devil sends you, you won’t believe them. Breastplate of righteousness means that you are bought by Jesus and that purchase is your clothing. Shield of faith that has the ability to deflect every arrow of satan that wants to kill you is essential to be called a Christian. Sword of truth that is the Word of God is the ONLY way you’ll be able to fight back and win. And the final piece of “clothing” are the shoes that represent the readiness to share this good news with everyone around you. 

That's your new worth and value. Knowing WHO you are in Christ and the cost of your life that was paid by His precious blood. Please rise up dear one. Don't be afraid. May the God that started an incredible work in you not finish until every single person that He was meant to save through your story will be saved. You never know who is waiting for your testimony. You never know how much living for Jesus will transform every part of you. I give you that gift, may you accept it in Jesus' name.