Love of the Father for Slavic Christians

Dear Slavic Christian, 

You hide your wounded and insecure heart behind a facade of power, influence, success, people pleasing, lavish possessions, a perfect-looking social media account, vacations, and beauty. 

In reality, you crave love, acceptance, approval, and validation from people around you because you didn’t receive it growing up. 

How did this come to be? Let’s go deeper. 

…There is “Father Hunger” in my community.

Slavic fathers grew up in an emotionally cold, fear-driven, communistic Soviet Union. Still, instead of healing when they came to the “land of milk and honey,” they took their repressed emotions out on their wives and children.

Whether it looks like withdrawing and becoming unemployed, silent, depressed, and living on welfare, or becoming a workaholic and power-hunger minister, a yelling abuser, cheater, or closeted alcoholic…

The outcome?

Children who don’t know the loving, respectful affection of a leader, provider, mentor, and protector.

They fear speaking up because they’ll get punished or shamed by their fathers, so they repress their feelings and seek love elsewhere.

This is the story of thousands of my clients over the years.

Girls seek daddy’s love in “relationships” they find in hookup apps or by climbing the corporate ladder.

Men seek daddy’s love in porn, work, bottle, or pills.

When I begin exploring the wounds of clients, they become afraid of “making their fathers look bad.”

The reality is, that Satan is more focused on “protecting his image” instead of shining light on darkness, which leads to freedom and healing.

In cases like these, I tell my clients, “Even if your father never changes, there is a Father that IS pursuing you. A Father wrote your name on His hands when they were pierced for your sins. A Father runs out to the road daily to see if you’re coming home. A Father who says that you’re the apple of His eye. A Father who has made you a King and Priest in His Kingdom, here on Earth and in Heaven. A Father whose heart breaks when you’re hurting. A Father who rejoices when you seek Him above all else.”

Sadly, the pain of rejection and abuse from earthly fathers leaves a bad taste regarding receiving love from a Heavenly One they can’t see.

For the last 5 years, I’ve been on this journey of healing myself.

I too, have a father who let go of his role, which forced me to seek love elsewhere.

Thankfully, my therapist spoke the abovementioned truth and helped me discover God’s love.

The Father’s love not only saved me from suicide, but God sent me a man who displays His love in physical form to show how much I am valued in His eyes daily.

Also, when I read Scripture, the Holy Spirit reveals the Father's love in every story, so the healing continues.

Dear reader, will you open your heart to The Father's love today? Will you open His Word to discover all the wonderful things He says about you in His love letter?

If you don’t know how, please reach out, and I’ll help you discover it